The process
Reach your ideal target audience. Through our global network of data collection partners we reach millions of consumers worldwide. With our consumer profiling technology we target consumers who are ideal for your brand.
- Surveys
- Portals
- Wifi hotspots
- Petition
By selecting your ideal customer profile, our systems are able to select on highly specific user profiles. We are able to identify your target audience based on demographics, sociographics, current products/services, lifestyle and even concrete interests in your products or services.
- Women aged between 25 & 45 years
- Interessted in green energy
- Electronics fanatic
- Has more than 2 kids
- Drinks coffee on a daily base
- Travels twice a year to a warm place
Increase brand awareness and engage with new audiences. We create ambassadors of your brand. Adding a new way to communicate with consenting consumers, who expressed interest in engaging with your brand.
Connect via e-mail, SMS, display, phone or direct mail.
- Email Marketing
- Postal
- Display
- Telemarketing
Your database as your marketing tool
Nam sit amet turpis congue, sollicitudin dolor vitae, viverra mauris. Donec semper magna ligula, quis pharetra tortor pretium sit amet. Sed in velit ut risus interdum euismod. Quisque pharetra lobortis ullamcorper. Etiam at imperdiet nisl. Aenean rhoncus eros eget feugiat finibus.
- Own the data, own the channel
- Direct and personal communication with your target audience
- Repeat of message
Full Service Permission MarketingTM Agency
High quality leads are important, but equally
important is the follow-up
- We start
By understanding your goals and KPI’s. Morbi et vehicula quam. Vivamus quis feugiat justo. Fusce laoreet purus non rhoncus finibus. - We advice
aAnd consult on your data & strategy. Vivamus ullamcorper dignissim malesuada. Phasellus vitae diam quis odio maximus. - We monitor
Performance & your business case. Nulla non facilisis ligula. Sed accumsan velit pulvinar, fermentum elit ut, aliquam neque.
I give my consent
to receive newsletters
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is becoming a key topic within marketing, causing companies to focus on compliancy and permission based marketing strategies a lot more.
Data compliancy is what we have as breakfast and validation & privacy is our core business.
The most preferred communication
channel of online consumers
Consumers prefer to receive messages in different ways and the amount of channels you can use to communicate with your customers has expanded and continues to grow.
Email Newsletters are still the king of consumer engagement for the following 4 important reasons:
- It’s a direct communication channel
- It delivers the highest ROI
- It is there when your consumers are ready
- It can be highly personalized
Consumer engagement channels
- Email Marketing
- Display
- Telemarketing